Sunday, 18 August 2013


Quite often Sheepwoman is mistaken for a horse.

Sheepwoman in Berlin January 2013

Perhaps due to the rather large structure of her head and nose? Or perhaps because she has the ability to embody wild instinctive energies and unconscious drives?

Detail from large charcoal drawing.  2012

  With this in mind I am initiating a new project entitled D.R.E.A.M.A.R.E

Short "dream recall" performance, ACUD, Berlin 2013.

Research Every-night And Making Art Relevant Every-day.

Sheepwoman working in The People's Supermarket, Oxford March 2013

D.R.E.A.M.A.R.E is a branch of Global Sheepwoman Research Laboratory that will draw on 20 years of dream research, and will include performances and collaborations with other artists, musicians and film-makers.  Watch this space for future collaborations, research, images and text.  

Drawing from a dream.  2012

Still from video "There is a Monster in the Attic". Berlin 2013

Thank you to Sergui Klein and Eugene Bal for the conversation that catalysed D.R.E.A.M.A.R.E.

Friday, 9 August 2013

Images from Homebase Residency Final Show 6th, 7th, 8th July

Sheepwoman's mask and costume.

Sheepwoman watching over my bed.

Props from Sheepwoman's film 

Film running on a loop in Sheepwoman's studio

Audience viewing Sheepwoman's film, with two felt sheep on the wall behind.

A small sheep watches over three props from the film.

The images above show the final installation I made at Homebase Lab Berlin, after living and working with 18 other international artists for three months.  Sheepwoman's new film currently titled "There is a Monster in the Attic" made in collaboration with Joao Vilnei and Aixa Sacco, and featuring Elena Dhal, Rafael Machado, Jimmy Treverton, James Budd Dees and Adrian Brun was shown on a television on a loop as part of an installation comprising of Sheepwoman's mask and costume and the props from the film.  

Partying in the attic.

Plants in the greenhouse tended by Philippa Jeffery and Diego Zavala during the three month residency.

Photographs taken by Christoph Neumann.

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Back in Blighty

After spending 3 months in Berlin, Sheepwoman and I are now back in England for a little while.  A number of new projects and collaborations were made during the last three months, not least Sheepwoman's first short film which was made in the last three weeks of the Homebase Residency.  

Many thanks to Joao Vilnei and Aixa Sacco for working with me in the making of this film, it could not have happened without the context of the Homebase residency and the wonderful people I met there.  Thankyou to Rafael Machado, Elena Dhal, Jimmy Treverton, Adrian Brun and James Budd Dees for willingly giving their time and responding inventively to the props we gave them.  Many thanks to Chris Dooks who gave permission to use his music for the film.  

Video still of "The couple with the Sausage" Adrian Brun, James Budd Dees and Sheepwoman
The film is currently being edited for a second time and will be screened in a number of locations in the autumn, see this blog for more details.

On set without the mask